You are invited to the Parish Gathering in the Parish Pastoral Centre on Thursday 19th May at 7pm.  As part of the Archbishop’s Building Hope process for the renewal of our diocese, each parish has been asked to hold a gathering to prayerfully consider how we can proceed as a Christian community.

The full Building Hope Task Force report can be read here.

Following the publication of the report, we dedicated time in Advent to praying to the Lord for renewal.  Following that special time of prayer, the Archbishop published a Statement of Mission for the Archdiocese of Dublin, and following the Mass of Chrism, the Archbishop published a pastoral letter: Living the Hope of Easter.

Building Hope Leadership Group comprising members of the Parish Pastoral Council and Parish Finance Committee was established in our parish in April.  Following several meetings in which our Parish Profile (see below) was considered, the Profile and an invitation to the Gathering were distributed at Masses on Good Shepherd Sunday and members of the group spoke at Masses on the Fifth Sunday of Easter.

Today, Beaumont is one of 197 parishes in the Archdiocese of Dublin.  Within twenty years, the Archdiocese may only have enough priests to minister in 25 parishes.  “It is time now for the whole diocesan family to travel further, by addressing the specific challenges we face as a diocese.”  “This undoubtedly requires new ways of looking and thinking; it requires a shift in mind-set; and will need responsible stewardship. It will not happen without prayer and dialogue. We will need to discern and make decisions, and make decisions together. (Statement of Mission) This is now our common road.”  (Archbishop Farrell).

All parishioners are invited to come together on Thursday 19th May at 7pm to pray, dialogue and discern.  Please come to the gathering to be part of our future together as followers of Christ in Twenty-First Century Ireland.

Our Parish Profile

The Archdiocese has produced a ‘Parish Profile’ for each Parish in the Archdiocese.  Copies of our profile were distributed at Masses over the last two weekends.  A digital version can be downloaded here.

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