As we look forward to celebrating the Nativity of Our Lord with joy, we are conscious of the current public health advice. Below, you can find the arrangements proposed for Beaumont Parish this year. On my own behalf and on behalf of Fr Thadeus, Fr Dominic and the many people who make up our Parish Team, I take this opportunity to thank you for your kindness and generosity throughout the year, and to wish you and your families peace, joy and abundant blessings this Christmas.
Fr Robert Smyth.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
We will not hold a Reconciliation Service this December. Instead, Confession will be offered after all Masses in Advent (excepting funerals).
Parish Office
The Parish Office will remain open from 10am until 1pm each weekday until Thursday 23rd December. The Parish Office will be closed for the Christmas holidays from Friday 24th December to Monday 3rd January inclusive. In the event of an emergency, a priest can always be contacted by phoning (01) 8477740.
Church Opening Times
Church opening times will be reduced during the Christmas period as our many volunteers take a well-earned rest with their families. The times are indicated in the schedule below.
Admission to Liturgies
After much reflection, the Parish Pastoral Council proposes that we will not have a ticket based system this year. Current Public Health Advice (correct 9th December) permits the full occupancy of the church building provided that congregants wear a face covering, sanitise their hands on entry, and do not attend if they exhibit any symptoms of Covid-19 or are otherwise required to self-isolate. This means that our church can, in theory, hold 550 people seated per liturgy. In practice, a maximum of c. 400 will be admitted per liturgy to allow for social distancing between family groups. Unfortunately, if you arrive and the church is already at capacity, you will be invited to return for a later liturgy. It is likely that the 6pm Mass on Christmas Eve will be the most popular time for families with young children. If you can attend a later Mass on Christmas Eve, please do so to leave space for those who will need to get to bed early for Santa Claus’ visit! All Masses will be celebrated in the church this year.
Broadcast Masses – Webcam, Phone and Radio
Conscious that there are many who will choose not to attend Mass in person for various reasons this year, a selection of liturgies will be broadcast on webcam, parish radio and by telephone (dial 01-8477740, option 6). The Masses scheduled for broadcast are indicated with an asterisk in the timetable below.
Mass Times 24th December to 7th January
Masses as normal until Thursday 23rd December.
Christmas Eve – Friday 24th December
Church open 09:45 until after Midnight Mass.
10am* Mass
Confessions 10:30 – 11:30
6pm* (Vigil Mass with contemporary liturgical music – especially for families with children)
9pm* (Vigil Mass, preceded by carol service beginning at 8:30pm – cantors and organist)
Midnight (Mass during the Night, preceded by carol service beginning at 11:30pm – cantors and organist)
Christmas Day – Saturday 25th December
Church open from 07:45 to 13:00.
8am (Dawn Mass – no music)
10am* (Mass during the Day – cantors and organist)
12pm (Mass during the Day with contemporary liturgical music)
No evening Mass
Feast of the Holy Family (on St Stephen’s Day) – Sunday 26th December
Church open from 09:45 to 14:00.
Feast of St John, Apostle, Evangelist – Monday 27th December (Public Holiday)
Church open from 10:45 to 12:00.
Feast of the Holy Innocents, Martyrs – Tuesday 28th December (Public Holiday)
Church open from 10:45 to 12:00.
Fifth Day within the Octave of Christmas – Wednesday 29th December (Commemoration of St Thomas Becket, Bishop, Martyr)
Church open from 09:45 to 12:00.
Sixth Day within the Octave of Christmas – Thursday 30th December
Church open from 09:45 to 12:00.
Seventh Day within the Octave of Christmas – Friday 31st December (Commemoration of St Sylvester I, Pope) New Year’s Eve
Church open from 09:45 to 12:00.
Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God – Saturday 1st January 2022 New Year’s Day
Church open from 10:45 to 19:00.
Confessions after Mass
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from after Mass until 5:45pm, concluding with Solemn Benediction.
6pm (in anticipation of Sunday)
Confessions after Mass
Second Sunday of Christmas – Sunday 2nd January 2022
Church open from 09:45 to 13:00.
Monday 3rd January 2022 (Memorials of the Holy Name of Jesus and St Munchin) (Public Holiday)
Church open from 10:45 to 12:00.
Tuesday 4th January
Church open from 09:45 to 19:00
Wednesday 5th January (Memorial of St Charles of St Andrew, priest)
Church open from 09:45 to 20:30.
Holy Hour 7:30pm – 8:30pm
Thursday 6th January – Holy Day – The Epiphany of the Lord
Schools reopen. Church open from 07:00 to 20:00.
Friday 7th January
Timetable returns to normal. Church open 7am to 7pm. Mass at 10am*.